
Living Out the gospel

We have been both secured by Jesus’ service to us and equipped with spiritual gifts, that we might freely serve both the church and the world. As we seek to love God, serve others, and make disciples, let’s pour our lives out in spiritual acts of service! 

Mark 10:45, Acts 20:24, Acts 20:35, Phil. 2:17

At East Cooper

Serve at East Cooper

Every Sunday, we gather together to worship, be in community and to reach people with the Gospel. It takes a team of volunteers to make our services and ministries happen.


Serve in Our Community

We believe in the importance in making an impact right where we live!

Throughout the Charleston area, there are organizations helping and serving our community. We want to send people out from our church to provide support, build relationships, and reach those that haven’t heard the good news.

Upcoming Events

Lifeline Foster Parent Licensing Class

  Saturday, February 1       8 am

Foster and Adoption Panel

  Sunday, February 2       11 am

Foster Parent Info Meeting

  Sunday, February 9       11 am

Around the World


At East Cooper, we have a heart for unreached people groups around the world. 

Our mission is to prepare people to be sent out and be effective disciples of Christ. Whether it’s a short mission trip or going on the field long term, our heart is to help prepare and equip you to walk faithfully.